Academic Chariot

Our Mission and Vision

As parents and school administrators, we are passionate about helping schools to ensure all voices are heard, including children. We have personally and professionally built effective relationships that have enabled relationships to flourish.

We have always believed that it takes a village–if you are connected to a child, you are an essential part of the village and make a difference in that child’s academic success. We developed the Academic Chariot to provide every family with a personalized guide from cradles to successful careers

D.R.I.V.E. Framework

Our Strategy

The Academic Chariot was founded to help schools DRIVE strong school-family/community partnerships. Our vision in starting the company was to offer schools a roadmap to enhancing relationships with families in the hope of developing effective partnerships that increase student achievement. The Academic Chariot’s D.R.I.V.E Framework provides the structure for enhancing student achievement through family engagement.

D - Dedication Before the Data

How well do you know your families?  Let’s start with the most common demographics examples.  It is important to find out the occupation, living status, and educational level of the families attending your school.  Your due diligence should not stop here though.  Do you know what your parents value and what their beliefs are or what supports they need from you?  It is an empowering experience to understand who your parents are and being able to provide families what they need so they can support their children at home.

R - Reaching your Community

Reach takes us out of our comfort zone.  It takes us beyond the computer and telephone.  If you want to reach your families, you are going to have to have face to face conversations.  This means getting in the community and knocking on doors or holding parent events in the community.   You would take the time to get to know an individual before you invited them into your home.  Your school and your organization is your home.  Take the time to reach families on their “turf.”

I - Inviting and Informing Parents & Community

Every school and organization needs a communication plan.  How do we get parents to invest?  We have to shift our mindset.  When our supervisors or a public figure show up at our school to attend an event, we roll out the red carpet.  They become our VIP guests.  Our mindset has to shift to parents are the most important guests that walk through the door.  How do we roll out the red carpet for our families? Every parent is not going to make it to every event, so how do you communicate with the families they do not show up to school events?  Lastly, ALL parent events need to be tied to an academic component.

V - Validating all Voices

As human beings, it is important for us to be able to share our stories and ideas and receive validation.  As leaders, we have a voice.  We need to give our students and families a voice.  Do you have a space in your plan?  How do you validate their voice, so they know what they said matters and counted?  All families should have a platform to express themselves and to advocate for what is in the best interest of children.

E - Empowering Parent and Community Members As Partners

The goal is for schools/organizations to view their parents and their community as change agents.   To empower families to be part of the development and implementation of academic initiatives and programs to help support student learning in school and at home.  Now it is time to talk about the data.  How is student data affected by parent engagement?

Let's DRIVE Your Family Engagement To The Next Level!!

Are you ready to take your institution’s engagement efforts to new heights? Look no further than The Academic Chariot.

Our services encompass the development of comprehensive Family Engagement Plans designed to suit the unique dynamics of your school and families, fostering a collaborative environment that nurtures academic success.

Schedule a free consultation with us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how our range of services can best support your goals. Let’s collaborate to create a customized plan that maximizes the impact of family engagement on student success.

Together, let’s unlock the full potential of family involvement in education.